If you feel the Lord leading you to be considered for one of these Task Forces,
please complete the online form below.  After much prayer, a "start up" task force of 5 individuals
will be selected for each in September 2024.  If you are not selected for the Task Force of your choice,
your application will be kept for future consideration as the needs for that particular Task Force grow.
We believe that God still speaks today and that He primarily speaks in the still and quiet places. However, it is hard to find such places in our busy and chaotic world.  
The vision of SABBATH PARK is to develop the back 5 acres of our church property into a professionally landscaped area designed for prayer and meditation.
Where do you begin when you don’t know where to begin?  Where do you go when life becomes overwhelming?  
The vision of THE MERCY HOUSE is to provide the starting place for anyone hurting or in need.  
This facility would be positioned on our property at the entrance of Sabbath Park and
would include counseling provisions, meeting benevolence needs, life-skills education, and indoor prayer/meditation rooms.
The goal of the New Testament Church is to grow where we are planted and to plant beyond where we are growing.  The vision of CHURCH PLANTING
for us means to establish healthy independent churches from our church that will one day be able to stand on their own, having had their foundations set by our instruction
and blessing as we are led by the Lord.  Sowing the gospel across the street and around the world.
Please fill out this interest form should you desire to serve on a task force that will assist in moving our church forward.