Connect Groups are designed for you to Connect to God and each other.
You will find community, Spiritual growth,  and encouragement in your life journey.
These groups meet at anytime and children and
student ministry is available  for our Sunday Morning and Wednesday Night groups.

8:00 a.m.

Facilitator: Ernie & Cindy Tavares
Room 201
This coed group is for those who love studying God's word and discussing how it applies to everyday life.

9:00 a.m.

Walk It Out

Facilitators: Justin & Leslie Merritt
Room: 201
Walk It Out is a coed group of believers, of any age or season of life, who have chosen to do just what our name says, walk out our faith.

The Roaring Twenties

Facilitators: Caden & Lindsey Thomas
Student Building
This group is designed for those starting life on their own. If you are in your twenties, single, engaged or married this group is for you!

The Bailey Group

Facilitator: Darrell Bailey
Room 104
This coed group is for those who love studying God's word and discussing how it applies to everyday life.

R.E.A.L. Life

Facilitators: Jeff & Sheri Geyer
Room 106
This coed group of believers, of any age or season of life, studies God's word through topical studies and discussion.

10:30 a.m.

Faith & Friends Group

Facilitator: Bob & Barb Pettis
Room 106
This coed group is for those who love studying God's word and discussing how it applies to everyday life.

Equipped Group

Facilitators: Jeff & Mieke Kramer
Room: 201
This coed adult class studies God's word and encourages group discussion. We discuss books of the Bible and tackle topical studies.

Saltshakers Group

Facilitators: Larry & Melissa Longo
Room 104
Salt Shakers is a coed group that focuses on building relationships, studying God's Word, and discussing how to apply God's Word.


Mom Matters - 10:30 a.m.

Facilitator: Joy Boring
Room 201
A time of fellowship, encouragement, and prayer for moms with littles.
Childcare Provided


Men of Valor - 6:00 a.m.

Facilitator: Pastor Darren Thomas
Room 201
This group meets to study books of the Bible and to discuss how God's word applies to their lives. 

10:00 a.m.

R.E.A.L. Women

Facilitators: Traci Sapp & Becky Morris
Room 201
The R.E.A.L. Women study topical studies and enjoy discussing God's Word. Throughout the year they enjoy times of fellowship and engaging in ministry.

6:30 p.m.

Ladies Roundtable

Facilitators: Melanie Nutting & Christy Wilkerson
Room 201
This group is for ladies of all ages who love to study God‘s Word and desire to deepen their relationship with Him and each other.

Men of Devotion

Facilitator: Darrell Bailey
Room: Kitchen
This group meets to study books of the Bible and to discuss how God's word applies to their lives.

Godley Parents

Facilitators: Melshia & Rachel Wells
    Michael & Cynthia Baladi
Room: Sanctuary
This parenting group loves to study topical studies and how to apply Gods Word to their family so they can know, love and serve Jesus. 

Raising Arrows

Facilitators: Thomas & Sarah Gossard
Room 106
This group is for young parents and study topical studies and how to apply Gods Word to their family so they can know, love and serve Jesus.

10:00 A.m.

Circle of Friends

Facilitators: Brenda Jordan & Carol Morris
Room 201
This women's group studies books of the Bible and topical studies and enjoy discussing God's Word. Throughout the year they enjoy times of fellowship and engaging in ministry.

Next Level Groups

Our Next Level Groups are topical studies that meet seasonally.
These groups are designed around specific topics and
about growing deeper in your relationship with God.